DSV Ground Tour 2023
A quick look back at the event
At the many different stops in the Netherlands and Germany, and even at our site in Neulengbach, experts and practitioners from the agricultural sector came together to discuss microbiomes, cover crops and securing yields in the long term.

with AKRA encouraging exchanges
Topics covered during the tour
“Feeding the microbiome properly”
The DSV Ground Tour was back for another year in 2023. Our field service representatives travelled throughout Germany, Austria and the Netherlands to tell the curious attendees all about “Feeding the microbiome properly”: Numerous presentations and illustrative examples were used to explain how intelligent crop cultivation systems can be used to have a positive impact on soil microbiomes and so stabilise yields. In addition, soil profiles were professionally examined and analysed.
In short: The tour was a massive success and many interested players from the agricultural sector took part!
Highlight: Ground Tour Day in Neulengbach
On 16.10.2023, the major highlight of the Ground Tour took place at the Karner Düngerproduktion site in Neulengbach. The day started with a quick breakfast and then attendees were welcomed by Managing Director Robert Karner and DSV representative Jan Hendrik Schulz. This way followed by a series of exciting presentations and after lunch attendees were able to visit several different stations:
- Soil profile
- Cover crop variants in the field
- TB Unterfrauner soil laboratory
The day was rounded off with a tour of the AKRA Karner Düngerproduktion site.

Closing Event
To finish off the successful tour with a bang, a closing event was organised at Ihinger Hof and it was very well-attended, just like the rest of the events during the tour.
Did you miss out on the Ground Tour?
No problem, we plan and hold similar events all the time!
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