Practical tests with rapeseed
"Thüringer Korn und Rind" eG Agricultural Cooperative
Each year around 10 hectares of a 230 hectare farm is tested as part of a three-year practical test on rapeseed crops. The test area and the associated yields from the field group produced the following results:

2019: approx. 42 dt/ha
2020: approx. 36 dt/ha
2021: approx. 38 dt/ha
2019: 34.2 dt/ha
2020: 36.3 dt/ha
2021: 37.2 dt/ha
The results from the last three years of tests have shown that rapeseed crops can provide cost-covering yields even when not treated with chemical insecticides. Isseroda Agricultural Cooperative started using the first products from Karner back in 2007. For around 10 years we have been using foliar fertiliser, soil additives and bacteria in line with the recommended system.
By using these products, we have been able to reduce our use of chemical fungicides by 50% and our use of insecticides by around 30% (depending on the intensity and occurrence of insects each year). The use of N-bacteria and the improved vitality of the plants thanks to placed foliar fertilising, particularly during periods of drought, has resulted in a reduction in the amount of mineral fertiliser used. This allows us to use roughly 20% less mineral fertiliser on rapeseed in spring. In addition, thanks to this system our rapeseed ends up having a very high oil content. "