Still a farm favourite after 20 years
Jörg Beer’s Farm
06711 Zeitz
Germany Farmer
Jörg Beer has been using AKRA N-bacteria for over 20 years now and is still impressed by its effects on the soil, plants and yields on his farm.

“I have been using the Karner fertilising system on my farm for the past 20 years. In 2021, my average e-wheat yields were 84.3 dt/ha. I also added an average of 130 kg/ha N minerally and carried out two AKRA N-bacteria applications (Azotobacter and Azo+). The CP content was 13.8 – 15.2%. With rapeseed, I harvested 43.0 dt/ha with an average of 120 kg/ha N added minerally plus two AKRA N-bacteria applications. The oil content was 41.5%.
This year’s yields, and those from previous years (drought years), can be traced back to the consistent application of AKRA take-off treatment, seed inoculation, AKRA Blatt and N-bacteria treatment and the doses of AKRA Kombi and DGC applied according to the results of the fractional analyses carried out by Hans Unterfrauner. I will continue to use the AKRA fertilising system in the future as I am firmly convinced of its positive effects on my soils, crops and yields.”