We are always invited back
Naundorf-Niedergoseln Agricultural Cooperative
Northern Saxony
The first picture was taken on the 29th of September 2023. The next was taken 10 days later, on the 9th of October 2023. The images speak for themselves. The image on the right shows the field after an application of 0.5 l/ha AKRA Plus 9, 2.0 l/ha AKRA Blatt, 1.0 l/ha AKRA MSB, 10 kg/ha urea and 10 mm of rain.
The farm was happy with the results and plans on using AKRA products again in the future.

Left: 29.09.2023 | Right: 09.10.2023 with AKRA Blatt and AKRA MSB
More comparisons of the AKRA system in use
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